What does this bar mean?
This progress bar shows you how much data we’ve collected and how much is still needed to analyze your book’s bestseller potential to get published on Inkitt’s sister app, GALATEA.
What do you do with the data?
The data collected helps us to analyze over 1200 reading behaviors on your book to determine if your book has bestseller potential.
This includes things like reader patterns and engagement.
What happens when the bar reaches 100%?
When your progress bar reaches 100%, this means we have enough data to analyze your story and consider it for publication on GALATEA and other formats.
Keep in mind that, if your book has reached 100% on the data collection bar. This does not mean it has bestseller potential as it has yet to be analyzed.
How do I know if I’ll get published?
If your book is analyzed and determined to have bestseller potential, a member of our publishing team will contact you via the email address or phone number you provided after submitting your novel.
What analyzed books do you publish?
We choose the best books for publishing from a pool of eligible books that have been analyzed.
We are a fast growing company with a small team, so while we have to stick to this method now, we plan to publish all eligible books when our team grows.